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Ende: 20.10. 2023 11:33:27 am Freitag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225758303003
  • Verkäufer: proiettoreusato (49|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Torino Italien
  • Versand nach: IT
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Descrizione DESCRIZIONE DELLOGGETTO: VIDEOPROIETTORE EPSON EB-520 2700 ANSI LUMEN XGA PROIETTORE HDMI OTTICA CORTA GRANDANGOLARE 3LCDRisoluzione nativa XGA 1024×768ANSI lumen 2700Contrasto 16.000:1Ingressi VGA RCA HDMI USB AUDIO IN AUDIO OUTRealizza una grande immagine già a poca distanza dal muro a cui si proietta.Ideale per aule scolastiche, palcoscenici e sale meeting.OTTICA CORTA GRANDANGOLARE Il proiettore ha il proprio menu, tutte le opzioni si possono gestire dal tasto menu sul proiettore stesso. Per il telecomando, se richiesto, è possibile acquistarlo separatamente. Sono disponibili a parte, con supplemento, i seguenti accessori: - telecomando - cavo VGA - cavo HDMI - cavo RCA - borsa custodia SPEDIZIONE Le spedizioni vengono effettuate entro 24-48 ore dal momento in cui viene ricevuto il pagamento presso lindirizzo indicato nei dettagli dordine, non si risponde di eventuali dati errati per la consegna. Non è possibile il ritiro a mano. In caso di assenza del destinatario indicato, al momento della consegna da parte del corriere, i prodotti dovranno essere ritirati allindirizzo seguendo le modalità indicate dal corriere stesso. I prodotti vengono imballati con attenzione. In caso di prodotti ricevuti danneggiati al momento della consegna, l’Acquirente dovrà entro 24 ore dalla consegna, comunicare allassistenza dello Store il danno riscontrato, comunicazioni successive non saranno considerate valide al fine di attribuire al corriere responsabilità a riguardo, ma sarà responsabilità dell’Acquirente il quale non potrà richiedere rimborsi o resi per materiale danneggiato. PAGAMENTI Il pagamento deve essere effettuato entro 48 ore dal momento dellacquisto. In caso di ritardi viene in automatico avviata la segnalazione a Ebay di pagamento non ricevuto. In caso di pagamenti oltre il periodo indicato si chiede di contattarci appena effettuato lacquisto. Sono accettati i seguenti tipi di pagamento: Paypal, bonifico bancario, altri pagamenti sono da concordare preventivamente. Non sono disponibili sconti post acquisto. CONDIZIONI Per richieste di un documento fiscale (es. Fattura) inviare i dati completi della propria denominazione al momento dellacquisto tramite messaggio contatta il venditore. Ad ogni prodotto si applicano gli stessi termini e condizioni di vendita che si trovano su proiettoreusato.it alla pagina relativa condizioni di vendita. DIRITTO DI RECESSO DIRITTO DI RECESSO Ai sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato. Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dallAcquirente. Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: [email protected] , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre allassistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza. Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dallAcquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento. L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni: a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origine b) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dallAcquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggetto e) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dallAcquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sullimmagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato allottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito allAcquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dallAcquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione o) mancata ricezione finale della merce al magazzino dimostrabile da tracciabilità onlineDIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: [email protected] , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: [email protected] , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: [email protected] , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: [email protected] , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione CHI SIAMO PROIETTOREUSATO.IT è uno store online che ritira materiale elettronico, in particolare videoproiettori, da attività di formazione, scuole, sale congressi, bar o ristoranti, aziende, sale di proiezione, enti o associazioni oppure privati che intendono sostituire il proprio videoproiettore in seguito alla cessazione della propria attività o per esigenze particolari proprie. Tutti i prodotti presenti sullo store online, vengono testati con più cicli di proiezione, controllando le funzionalità di ogni prodotto quali ingressi, tasti e comandi presenti, funzionamento ventola, zoom e focus e accessori eventuali. Ogni prodotto viene riportato con le proprie caratteristiche ed in caso di difetti ottici o hardware, viene indicato per ogni inserzione il proprio stato conforme. CONTATTACI Contattaci per qualsiasi domanda esclusivamente tramite Ebay al link Contatta il venditore. Solo per emergenze relative a ordini e spedizioni anche tramite Whatsapp (solo sms) al 331.331.3361 oppure al numero 011.1911.5383 e via email [email protected] Il nostro obiettivo è rendere ogni acquisto un’esperienza positiva per i nostri clienti. Per questo assicuriamo la massima serietà e siamo sempre disponibili per qualsiasi problema. In caso di problematiche riscontrate, risolveremo in modo corretto e professionale con la massima disponibilità e correttezza.Un punteggio di 5 stele e il feedback positivo è ciò che invitiamo a rilasciare appena ricevuto l’oggetto. Il rilascio del feedback negativo non risolve un problema e può danneggiare gravemente la nostra attività per questo siamo consapevoli che l’attenzione e il rispetto al cliente siano fondamentali.Grazie!

Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2906 Used Lamp Hours

Ende: 18.10. 2023 21:22:18 am Mittwoch
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 0.9 EUR Auktion
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 134764255394
  • Anzahl Gebote: 0
  • Verkäufer: global-technologies (13455|99.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 25,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2906 Used Lamp Hours Good cosmetic condition.Scuffs and scratches from normal use. See Photos.HDMI port does NOT work.Tested and fully functional.Picture is bright & clear.Sound is good.Has 2906 used lamp hours.Ready for reuse!Buttons are in good working condition. Will come with power cord and VGA. The short-throw Epson PowerLite 520 3LCD Projector is ideal for classroom settings, rear projection, and other installations where the projector needs to be placed very close to the screen. For example, with a 28 throw distance, it will produce a 106-diagonal image. The 3LCD imaging device features an XGA (1024 x 768) native resolution and is backed up by a lamp producing a brightness of 2700 lumens in its brightest setting. In addition to XGA, the projector can scale a range of non-native resolutions from SD (480p) up to UXGA (1600 x 1200). USB connectivityModerator function and BYOD support16-watt speaker and microphone inputChoose from four pre-set templates or create a custom template to project lines or grids onto whiteboards or chalkboardsQuick Corner allows you to move any of the four corners of an image independently at setupBuilt-in closed captioning SN: VFVF750616L SEE PICTURES FOR COSMETIC CONDITION. BM-H Receive only the items that are listed/pictured. No other items are included with this purchase. Please see photos above. IMPORTANT If you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. We strive for customer satisfaction and if given the opportunity we will make things right. HANDLING TIMES & SHIPPING Items over one pound will be shipped with our IPS SmartShot Foam Machine. (Pictured Below). Instant foam fills the surrounding spaces, creating a tight-fitting cushion that molds itself around the item, therefore providing a custom heavy-duty cushioning. This shipping technique is most effective in preventing damage caused in transit. *FRAGILE ITEMS UNDER ONE POUND WILL BE SHIPPED WITH FOAM* Same business day handling. (Cut Off Time- 10:00AM Central). *AFTER CUT OFF TIME, WE TRY OUR BEST TO GET PACKAGES OUT SAME DAY, BUT SAME DAY IS NOT GUARANTEED. * SHIPPING COURIERS UPS and USPS are our preferred couriers. Shipping courier is chosen at our discretion. FREIGHT We compare freight shipping costs from multiple couriers in order to find you the best rates.

Epson Powerlite X27 H692A 3LCD 2700 Lumens Projector Less Than 2678 Lamp Hours

Ende: 18.10. 2023 13:05:52 am Mittwoch
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 45.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 285509724460
  • Verkäufer: lampysellsit (4124|99.2%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Edmond, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 19,99 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    YOU ARE BIDDING ON A Epson Powerlite X27 H692A 3LCD 2700 Lumens Projector Less Than 2678 Lamp Hours WE CONSIDER THIS UNIT TO BE:C-C3 F3 (Moderate use and age) PROJECTOR TURNS ON AND DISPLAYS. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE LAMP LIFE! FAIR COSMETIC CONDITION, THIS DEVICE HAS SIGNIFICANT SIGNS OF COSMETIC DEFECT (SCRATCHES) PLEASE SEE PICTURES NO ADDITIONAL HARDWARE OR COMPONENTS WILL BE INCLUDED! PLEASE SEE PICTURES! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SHIPPING YOUR projector! Vantage Point I.T.A.D. is an R2 V3 Certified CompanyWe are a global provider of innovative and environmentally friendly strategies for the remarketing and recycling of information technology hardware. We strive for continual opportunity to grow our business practices through education and commitment to excellence. ***SEE STORE FOR DETAILED GRADING*** All of our items are backed by a 30 day (from day of delivery) money back guarantee. (exclusions do apply)If there is something wrong with your item PLEASE message us first and allow us to correct any possible mistake.Our grading scale is reflective of the cosmetic condition of the items, please note the individual descriptions and pictures where applicable. We do not embellish descriptions, we try our best to accurately describe anything wrong with the item, but we are not experts in the devices.Items sold FOR PARTS/REPAIR are described to the best of our knowledge. Any changes to the invoice must be requested prior to paymentThank you for shopping and we look forward to meeting and hopefully exceeding your expectations!FAQ Q. What do I do if there is a problem with my order? A. Contact us immediately, we are here to help! Any issue we strive to rectify any possible issue with our valued clientele as soon as we are able! Please reach out to us! Q. When will my order ship? A. The day after the order is paid at 3pm CST. Friday shipments may go out same day but are not guaranteed. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. Q. Does Vantage Point I.T.A.D. ship internationally? A. Only through Ebay GSP. All shipments (except those that go to a P.O. box) will be processed through FedEx.Q. Does my product come with any additional hardware, components or cables? A. Please check the description as all of this information will be covered, any cables or components will be specifically described and pictured!Q. Can I change the address after purchase? A. Shipping address cannot be changed after purchase. We will not ship to unverified addresses.

Epson PowerLite 97 Tri-LCD Projector 2700 ANSI w/ Accessories 1219-2315H *Read*

Ende: 16.10. 2023 16:12:01 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 72.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 235248923652
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7750|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 97 Tri-LCD Projector 2700 ANSI w/ Accessories 1219-2315H *Read*Image is good, and HDMI works but a couple projectors have scratches on the top, slight discoloration, and one HDMI port is slightly sensitive where it may lose connection for a moment and then come back if the cable is messed with (see photos for details and hours)A remote, power cord and HDMI cable are all included with this, along with a partial mount but the mount may need additional parts before using (see photos)Note this projector may have dirt or dust inside of it that we are not able to take apart and clean but it does not seem to affect the image at allYou will receive a projector similar to what you see in the photos - no returnsCheck our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite 520 Projector 2700 ANSI w/ HDMI & Remote 2112-2427H *See Desc*

Ende: 16.10. 2023 16:11:58 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 85.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 235249170837
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7750|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 Projector 2700 ANSI w/ HDMI & Remote 2112-2427H *See Description*This projectors HDMI port is tested/working and its hours are good but both of these that are available have dark spots on the image (see photos for details)HDMI cable, power cord, and remote control are all included - the projector with 2112 hours has a remote that is missing the back cover but comes with batteries, and the one with 2427 hours has a remote that has a back cover, but is slightly discolored (see photos)Note these projectors may have dirt or dust inside of them we are not able to take apart and cleanYou will receive one of the projectors that you see in the photos - no returnsCheck our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite 570 XGA 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector w/ Extras - 3432 Hrs

Ende: 16.10. 2023 16:11:57 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 63.82 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 235248906447
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7750|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 570 XGA 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector w/ Extras - 3432 HrsThis projector was in previous use before being given to us; HDMI has been tested and is working, the image is good, and it comes with extras such as a partial mount as well as an HDMI cord, power cord, and remote control; it is missing the side panel and filters, however (see photos)See photos for lamp hours - note also that the projector may have dirt or dust on the inside of it that we are not able to take apart and cleanYou will receive the projector/accessories that you see in the photos - no returns Check our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite S27 2700 Lumen SVGA 3LCD Multimedia Projector - 561 Lamp Hours

Ende: 16.10. 2023 13:20:15 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 50.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 305202537412
  • Verkäufer: hitech-4-less (385|99.1%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    ***We accept payment from US confirmed Billing/Shipping addresses ONLY*** Whats Included? QTY 1: Epson PowerLite S27 2700 Lumen SVGA 3LCD Multimedia Projector - 561 Lamp Hours *Unless otherwise noted, item does not come with power cord, batteries or any other accessories. Condition Used - see photos for details. Cosmetic Grade C4: Cosmetic blemishes include scratches and/or other surface imperfections from consistent use, but equipment is in good condition overall. Minor wear of labeling may be visible. Small dents and small areas of discoloration may be present from the removal of tags. No damage to latches or hinges, nor any missing parts, panels, bezels, or covers. Functional Grade F3: A subset of the primary functions of the device that an ordinary user of the device expects to function are verified working through manual or software tests. Software may not be loaded or configured. Hardware required for key functions to be tested may have been removed after testing (e.g. Hard Drive). May be missing components or parts not essential to key functions. Secondary functions may not be tested or working. May not include Focus Materials (e.g. Battery) that are not working or not tested. All missing components or parts will be listed for each item. Warranty 30-day Money Back 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Payment We accept payment via PayPal confirmed U.S. Shipping addresses ONLY. Unless an immediate payment is required, payments must be received within 48 hours of winning an auction. Sales taxes will be added for AZ, MD, OK, TN, TX, OH, FL residents. *eBay may withhold sales tax for states not listed in accordance with your states laws.* Shipping We ship to PayPal confirmed U.S. Shipping addresses ONLY. USPS, FedEx and UPS shipping carriers are used at our discretion based on packages weight and dimensions. Large items require a freight carrier which will incur an additional charge. Contact us prior to purchase and we can quote the total cost. We are now offering local pickup by appointment only. Please message us for more information on the local pickup process. Shipments insured for the sub-total dollar amount. Paid items are shipped within 1-2 business days (Mon-Fri, excludes holidays)

Epson Powerlite X27 H692A 3LCD 2700 Lumens Projector 934 Lamp Hours

Ende: 14.10. 2023 18:56:44 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 50.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 285509978957
  • Anzahl Gebote: 0
  • Verkäufer: lampysellsit (3936|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Edmond, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 19,99 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    YOU ARE BIDDING ON A Epson Powerlite X27 H692A 3LCD 2700 Lumens Projector WE CONSIDER THIS UNIT TO BE:C-C3 F3 (Moderate use and age) PROJECTOR TURNS ON AND DISPLAYS. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE LAMP LIFE! FAIR COSMETIC CONDITION, THIS DEVICE HAS SIGNIFICANT SIGNS OF COSMETIC DEFECT (SCRATCHES) PLEASE SEE PICTURES NO ADDITIONAL HARDWARE OR COMPONENTS WILL BE INCLUDED! PLEASE SEE PICTURES! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SHIPPING YOUR projector! Vantage Point I.T.A.D. is an R2 V3 Certified CompanyWe are a global provider of innovative and environmentally friendly strategies for the remarketing and recycling of information technology hardware. We strive for continual opportunity to grow our business practices through education and commitment to excellence. ***SEE STORE FOR DETAILED GRADING*** All of our items are backed by a 30 day (from day of delivery) money back guarantee. (exclusions do apply)If there is something wrong with your item PLEASE message us first and allow us to correct any possible mistake.Our grading scale is reflective of the cosmetic condition of the items, please note the individual descriptions and pictures where applicable. We do not embellish descriptions, we try our best to accurately describe anything wrong with the item, but we are not experts in the devices.Items sold FOR PARTS/REPAIR are described to the best of our knowledge. Any changes to the invoice must be requested prior to paymentThank you for shopping and we look forward to meeting and hopefully exceeding your expectations!FAQ Q. What do I do if there is a problem with my order? A. Contact us immediately, we are here to help! Any issue we strive to rectify any possible issue with our valued clientele as soon as we are able! Please reach out to us! Q. When will my order ship? A. The day after the order is paid at 3pm CST. Friday shipments may go out same day but are not guaranteed. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. Q. Does Vantage Point I.T.A.D. ship internationally? A. Only through Ebay GSP. All shipments (except those that go to a P.O. box) will be processed through FedEx.Q. Does my product come with any additional hardware, components or cables? A. Please check the description as all of this information will be covered, any cables or components will be specifically described and pictured!Q. Can I change the address after purchase? A. Shipping address cannot be changed after purchase. We will not ship to unverified addresses.

Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 3009 Lamp Hours

Ende: 13.10. 2023 11:30:45 am Freitag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 36.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225801226469
  • Verkäufer: skyvineitad (2144|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Arlington, Texas USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 20,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    SKYVINE ITAD was established to offer consumers the opportunity to benefit from incredible deals on: new, over-stocked, open-box, and refurbished products from all major retailers and manufacturers. Every single item we sell goes through thorough inspection processes to make certain it works perfectly. SKYVINE ITAD’s team ensure they are functional, according to the original manufactures specifications. Each item comes exactly as pictured unless there are more than one quantity. Then you will receive an item of similar condition. If any item is not shown in the picture, it will not be included unless stated in the description. For any inquiry or issue, PLEASE contact us before leaving feedback or opening a case. We will try our best to resolve any issue. We at SKYVINE ITAD stride to satisfy our customers’ needs. Most importantly, we value your business and ensure you received the best experience. Thank You!Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 3009 Lamp HoursABOUT THIS ITEMKEY FUNCTION WORKINGUI: TE19F3B682**USED VERY GOOD MINOR SCUFFS**INCLUDES: Power Cord FEATURED DESCRIPTION:The PowerLite 97H projector is a popular choice for virtually any classroom. Offering 3x Brighter Colors, Epson 3LCD projectors ensure vivid lessons. Reliable and user-friendly, the 97H features XGA resolution and 2700 lumens of color brightness and 2700 lumens of white brightness. Its low-cost, long-lasting lamp - up to 10,000 hours in ECO Mode - provides a low total cost of ownership.Brightness2,700 lumenColorWhiteConnectivityComponent, HDMI, RCA, S-Video, USB, VGA, Wireless, iPhoneDisplay TypeLCDNative Resolution1024 x 768GeneralDevice Type3LCD projector Enclosure ColorWhiteProjectorBrightness (White)2700 lumensBrightness (Color)2700 lumensContrast Ratio10000:1 (dynamic)Image Size29.9 in - 300 inProjection Distance3 ft - 30 ftThrow Ratio1.48 - 1.77:1ResolutionXGA - XGA (1024 x 768) (native) / 1600 x 1200 (resized)Native Aspect Ratio4:3Display Format786,432 pixels (1,024 x 768) x 3Color Support1 billion colorsLamp TypeUHE 200 WattLamp Life CycleUp to 5000 hour(s) - normal mode Up to 10000 hour(s) - economic modeControls & AdjustmentsVolume, brightness, contrast, H/V position, sharpness, saturation, input select, color temperatureFeaturesAuto Vertical Keystone, EPSON 3LCD technology, 3x Brighter ColorsLensFocus TypeManualLens ApertureF/1.58-1.72Zoom Factor1.2xKeystone Correction DirectionHorizontal, verticalVertical Keystone Correction-30 / +30Horizontal Keystone Correction-30 / +30Video InputTV SystemNTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-N, PAL-M, NTSC 4.43, PAL 60Analog Video SignalRGB, S-Video, composite videoVideo InterfacesVGA, HDMI, composite video, S-Video, MHLSpeakersTypeIntegratedSound Output ModeMonoOutput Power / Channel16 WattSpeakers1 x mixed channelExpansion / ConnectivityInterfaces2 x component video / RGB input - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x S-video input - 4 pin mini-DIN 1 x composite video input - RCA 1 x audio line-in - RCA x 2 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type B 1 x serial RS-232C - 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) (management) 1 x microphone - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x network - RJ-45 2 x audio line-in - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x audio line-out - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x VGA output - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type A 1 x HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type A 1 x Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) / HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type AMiscellaneous Security FeaturesSecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately), security anchorCompliant StandardsRoHSPricing TypeEpson Brighter Futures Education ProgramPowerVoltage RequiredAC 120/230 V (50/60 Hz)Power Consumption Operational299 WattPower Consumption Stand by2.3 WattDimensions & WeightWidth11.6 inDepth9.7 inHeight3.5 inWeight5.95 lbs Environmental ParametersMin Operating Temperature41 °FMax Operating Temperature95 °FSound Emission37 dBASound Emission (Economic Mode)28 dBA Delivery Details:WE DO NOT SHIP INTERNATIONALLY! UNITED STATES SHIPMENT ONLY. We try our best to ship order after payment is received. Order placed on weekends or holiday will be shipped on Monday or next business day. We will ONLY ship the item to your eBay Confirmed Address, so please confirm that your delivery address is correct before you place an order. Address cannot be changed after an order has been sent. For all LOCAL PICKUP, guest must schedule an appointment prior to pickup. Order value of $300.00 or more will require a signature to receive package to prevent lost of package. Please arrange someone to be available.

Epson PowerLite 97H 2700 Lumen HDMI Projector H688A With Power Cable Working

Ende: 13.10. 2023 04:20:55 am Freitag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 72.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 204490086680
  • Verkäufer: jimmmartine_23 (1227|99.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Enhance your viewing experience with the Epson PowerLite 97H desktop projector. With a brightness of 2700 ANSI lumens and a native resolution of 1024 x 768, this projector delivers clear and vivid images, making it perfect for home theater and business presentations. Its connectivity options include VGA/SVGA D-Sub and HDMI Standard, providing flexibility to connect to various devices. This bundle includes a power cable and VGA cable. The Epson PowerLite 97H also comes with built-in speakers, making it easy to set up and use. Its features include ceiling projection and rear projection, making it versatile for different set-ups. Get your hands on this Epson PowerLite 97H projector and enjoy high-quality visuals.

Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2906 Used Lamp Hours

Ende: 11.10. 2023 17:04:37 am Mittwoch
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 4.57 EUR Auktion
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 145343666903
  • Anzahl Gebote: 0
  • Verkäufer: global-technologies (13349|99.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 25,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2906 Used Lamp Hours Good cosmetic condition.Scuffs and scratches from normal use. See Photos.HDMI port does NOT work.Tested and fully functional.Picture is bright & clear.Sound is good.Has 2906 used lamp hours.Ready for reuse!Buttons are in good working condition. Will come with power cord and VGA. The short-throw Epson PowerLite 520 3LCD Projector is ideal for classroom settings, rear projection, and other installations where the projector needs to be placed very close to the screen. For example, with a 28 throw distance, it will produce a 106-diagonal image. The 3LCD imaging device features an XGA (1024 x 768) native resolution and is backed up by a lamp producing a brightness of 2700 lumens in its brightest setting. In addition to XGA, the projector can scale a range of non-native resolutions from SD (480p) up to UXGA (1600 x 1200). USB connectivityModerator function and BYOD support16-watt speaker and microphone inputChoose from four pre-set templates or create a custom template to project lines or grids onto whiteboards or chalkboardsQuick Corner allows you to move any of the four corners of an image independently at setupBuilt-in closed captioning SN: VFVF750616L SEE PICTURES FOR COSMETIC CONDITION. BM-H Receive only the items that are listed/pictured. No other items are included with this purchase. Please see photos above. IMPORTANT If you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. We strive for customer satisfaction and if given the opportunity we will make things right. HANDLING TIMES & SHIPPING Items over one pound will be shipped with our IPS SmartShot Foam Machine. (Pictured Below). Instant foam fills the surrounding spaces, creating a tight-fitting cushion that molds itself around the item, therefore providing a custom heavy-duty cushioning. This shipping technique is most effective in preventing damage caused in transit. *FRAGILE ITEMS UNDER ONE POUND WILL BE SHIPPED WITH FOAM* Same business day handling. (Cut Off Time- 10:00AM Central). *AFTER CUT OFF TIME, WE TRY OUR BEST TO GET PACKAGES OUT SAME DAY, BUT SAME DAY IS NOT GUARANTEED. * SHIPPING COURIERS UPS and USPS are our preferred couriers. Shipping courier is chosen at our discretion. FREIGHT We compare freight shipping costs from multiple couriers in order to find you the best rates.

Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI W/1011 Used Lamp Hours

Ende: 11.10. 2023 17:00:37 am Mittwoch
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 19.7 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 134755281013
  • Anzahl Gebote: 6
  • Verkäufer: global-technologies (13349|99.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 25,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI W/1011 Used Lamp HoursGood cosmetic condition.Some scuffs and scratches from previous use.Sound is loud and clear.Has 1011 used lamp hours.Fully functional.Ready for reuse!Will come with power cord and VGA.The short-throw Epson PowerLite 520 3LCD Projector is ideal for classroom settings, rear projection, and other installations where the projector needs to be placed very close to the screen. For example, with a 28 throw distance, it will produce a 106-diagonal image. The 3LCD imaging device features an XGA (1024 x 768) native resolution and is backed up by a lamp producing a brightness of 2700 lumens in its brightest setting. In addition to XGA, the projector can scale a range of non-native resolutions from SD (480p) up to UXGA (1600 x 1200). USB connectivityModerator function and BYOD support16-watt speaker and microphone inputChoose from four pre-set templates or create a custom template to project lines or grids onto whiteboards or chalkboardsQuick Corner allows you to move any of the four corners of an image independently at setupBuilt-in closed captioning SN: VFVF750623L SEE PICTURES FOR COSMETIC CONDITION. BM-H Receive only the items that are listed/pictured. No other items are included with this purchase. Please see photos above. IMPORTANT If you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. We strive for customer satisfaction and if given the opportunity we will make things right. HANDLING TIMES & SHIPPING Items over one pound will be shipped with our IPS SmartShot Foam Machine. (Pictured Below). Instant foam fills the surrounding spaces, creating a tight-fitting cushion that molds itself around the item, therefore providing a custom heavy-duty cushioning. This shipping technique is most effective in preventing damage caused in transit. *FRAGILE ITEMS UNDER ONE POUND WILL BE SHIPPED WITH FOAM* Same business day handling. (Cut Off Time- 10:00AM Central). *AFTER CUT OFF TIME, WE TRY OUR BEST TO GET PACKAGES OUT SAME DAY, BUT SAME DAY IS NOT GUARANTEED. * SHIPPING COURIERS UPS and USPS are our preferred couriers. Shipping courier is chosen at our discretion. FREIGHT We compare freight shipping costs from multiple couriers in order to find you the best rates.

Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2059 Used Lamp Hours

Ende: 11.10. 2023 16:40:37 am Mittwoch
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 9.16 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 145343598837
  • Anzahl Gebote: 1
  • Verkäufer: global-technologies (13349|99.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 25,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2059 Used Lamp Hours Good cosmetic condition.Scuffs and scratches from normal use. See Photos.Tested and fully functional.Picture is bright & clear.Sound is good.Has 2059 used lamp hours.Ready for reuse!Buttons are in good working condition. Will come with power cord and VGA. The short-throw Epson PowerLite 520 3LCD Projector is ideal for classroom settings, rear projection, and other installations where the projector needs to be placed very close to the screen. For example, with a 28 throw distance, it will produce a 106-diagonal image. The 3LCD imaging device features an XGA (1024 x 768) native resolution and is backed up by a lamp producing a brightness of 2700 lumens in its brightest setting. In addition to XGA, the projector can scale a range of non-native resolutions from SD (480p) up to UXGA (1600 x 1200). USB connectivityModerator function and BYOD support16-watt speaker and microphone inputChoose from four pre-set templates or create a custom template to project lines or grids onto whiteboards or chalkboardsQuick Corner allows you to move any of the four corners of an image independently at setupBuilt-in closed captioning SN: VFVF640150L SEE PICTURES FOR COSMETIC CONDITION. BM-H Receive only the items that are listed/pictured. No other items are included with this purchase. Please see photos above. IMPORTANT If you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. We strive for customer satisfaction and if given the opportunity we will make things right. HANDLING TIMES & SHIPPING Items over one pound will be shipped with our IPS SmartShot Foam Machine. (Pictured Below). Instant foam fills the surrounding spaces, creating a tight-fitting cushion that molds itself around the item, therefore providing a custom heavy-duty cushioning. This shipping technique is most effective in preventing damage caused in transit. *FRAGILE ITEMS UNDER ONE POUND WILL BE SHIPPED WITH FOAM* Same business day handling. (Cut Off Time- 10:00AM Central). *AFTER CUT OFF TIME, WE TRY OUR BEST TO GET PACKAGES OUT SAME DAY, BUT SAME DAY IS NOT GUARANTEED. * SHIPPING COURIERS UPS and USPS are our preferred couriers. Shipping courier is chosen at our discretion. FREIGHT We compare freight shipping costs from multiple couriers in order to find you the best rates.

Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 3619 Lamp Hours

Ende: 10.10. 2023 19:09:59 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 40.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225801149443
  • Verkäufer: skyvineitad (2144|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Arlington, Texas USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 20,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    SKYVINE ITAD was established to offer consumers the opportunity to benefit from incredible deals on: new, over-stocked, open-box, and refurbished products from all major retailers and manufacturers. Every single item we sell goes through thorough inspection processes to make certain it works perfectly. SKYVINE ITAD’s team ensure they are functional, according to the original manufactures specifications. Each item comes exactly as pictured unless there are more than one quantity. Then you will receive an item of similar condition. If any item is not shown in the picture, it will not be included unless stated in the description. For any inquiry or issue, PLEASE contact us before leaving feedback or opening a case. We will try our best to resolve any issue. We at SKYVINE ITAD stride to satisfy our customers’ needs. Most importantly, we value your business and ensure you received the best experience. Thank You!Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 3619 Lamp HoursABOUT THIS ITEMKEY FUNCTION WORKINGUI: TE83F9D16B**USED EXCELLENT MINOR SCUFFS**INCLUDES: Power Cord FEATURED DESCRIPTION:The PowerLite 97H projector is a popular choice for virtually any classroom. Offering 3x Brighter Colors, Epson 3LCD projectors ensure vivid lessons. Reliable and user-friendly, the 97H features XGA resolution and 2700 lumens of color brightness and 2700 lumens of white brightness. Its low-cost, long-lasting lamp - up to 10,000 hours in ECO Mode - provides a low total cost of ownership.Brightness2,700 lumenColorWhiteConnectivityComponent, HDMI, RCA, S-Video, USB, VGA, Wireless, iPhoneDisplay TypeLCDNative Resolution1024 x 768GeneralDevice Type3LCD projector Enclosure ColorWhiteProjectorBrightness (White)2700 lumensBrightness (Color)2700 lumensContrast Ratio10000:1 (dynamic)Image Size29.9 in - 300 inProjection Distance3 ft - 30 ftThrow Ratio1.48 - 1.77:1ResolutionXGA - XGA (1024 x 768) (native) / 1600 x 1200 (resized)Native Aspect Ratio4:3Display Format786,432 pixels (1,024 x 768) x 3Color Support1 billion colorsLamp TypeUHE 200 WattLamp Life CycleUp to 5000 hour(s) - normal mode Up to 10000 hour(s) - economic modeControls & AdjustmentsVolume, brightness, contrast, H/V position, sharpness, saturation, input select, color temperatureFeaturesAuto Vertical Keystone, EPSON 3LCD technology, 3x Brighter ColorsLensFocus TypeManualLens ApertureF/1.58-1.72Zoom Factor1.2xKeystone Correction DirectionHorizontal, verticalVertical Keystone Correction-30 / +30Horizontal Keystone Correction-30 / +30Video InputTV SystemNTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-N, PAL-M, NTSC 4.43, PAL 60Analog Video SignalRGB, S-Video, composite videoVideo InterfacesVGA, HDMI, composite video, S-Video, MHLSpeakersTypeIntegratedSound Output ModeMonoOutput Power / Channel16 WattSpeakers1 x mixed channelExpansion / ConnectivityInterfaces2 x component video / RGB input - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x S-video input - 4 pin mini-DIN 1 x composite video input - RCA 1 x audio line-in - RCA x 2 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type B 1 x serial RS-232C - 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) (management) 1 x microphone - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x network - RJ-45 2 x audio line-in - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x audio line-out - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x VGA output - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type A 1 x HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type A 1 x Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) / HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type AMiscellaneous Security FeaturesSecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately), security anchorCompliant StandardsRoHSPricing TypeEpson Brighter Futures Education ProgramPowerVoltage RequiredAC 120/230 V (50/60 Hz)Power Consumption Operational299 WattPower Consumption Stand by2.3 WattDimensions & WeightWidth11.6 inDepth9.7 inHeight3.5 inWeight5.95 lbs Environmental ParametersMin Operating Temperature41 °FMax Operating Temperature95 °FSound Emission37 dBASound Emission (Economic Mode)28 dBA Delivery Details:WE DO NOT SHIP INTERNATIONALLY! UNITED STATES SHIPMENT ONLY. We try our best to ship order after payment is received. Order placed on weekends or holiday will be shipped on Monday or next business day. We will ONLY ship the item to your eBay Confirmed Address, so please confirm that your delivery address is correct before you place an order. Address cannot be changed after an order has been sent. For all LOCAL PICKUP, guest must schedule an appointment prior to pickup. Order value of $300.00 or more will require a signature to receive package to prevent lost of package. Please arrange someone to be available.

Epson PowerLite 570 XGA 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector w/ Extras - 3432 Hrs

Ende: 10.10. 2023 16:02:11 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 63.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 335059660766
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7747|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 570 XGA 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector w/ Extras - 3432 HrsThis projector was in previous use before being given to us; HDMI has been tested and is working, the image is good, and it comes with extras such as a partial mount as well as an HDMI cord, power cord, and remote control; it is missing the side panel and filters, however (see photos)See photos for lamp hours - note also that the projector may have dirt or dust on the inside of it that we are not able to take apart and cleanYou will receive the projector/accessories that you see in the photos - no returns Check our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite 97 Tri-LCD Projector 2700 ANSI w/ Accessories 1219-2315H *Read*

Ende: 10.10. 2023 16:02:08 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 91.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 235243763712
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7747|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 97 Tri-LCD Projector 2700 ANSI w/ Accessories 1219-2315H *Read*Image is good, and HDMI works but a couple projectors have scratches on the top, slight discoloration, and one HDMI port is slightly sensitive where it may lose connection for a moment and then come back if the cable is messed with (see photos for details and hours)A remote, power cord and HDMI cable are all included with this, along with a partial mount but the mount may need additional parts before using (see photos)Note this projector may have dirt or dust inside of it that we are not able to take apart and clean but it does not seem to affect the image at allYou will receive a projector similar to what you see in the photos - no returnsCheck our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite 520 Projector 2700 ANSI w/ HDMI & Remote 2112-2427H *See Desc*

Ende: 10.10. 2023 16:02:05 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 85.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 335059647526
  • Verkäufer: ppirsd (7747|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Harvard, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Epson PowerLite 520 Projector 2700 ANSI w/ HDMI & Remote 2112-2427H *See Description*This projectors HDMI port is tested/working and its hours are good but both of these that are available have dark spots on the image (see photos for details)HDMI cable, power cord, and remote control are all included - the projector with 2112 hours has a remote that is missing the back cover but comes with batteries, and the one with 2427 hours has a remote that has a back cover, but is slightly discolored (see photos)Note these projectors may have dirt or dust inside of them we are not able to take apart and cleanYou will receive one of the projectors that you see in the photos - no returnsCheck our store for other deals!

Epson PowerLite X17 2700 Lumens XGA Conference Room Projector

Ende: 10.10. 2023 15:07:23 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 54.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 325842872390
  • Verkäufer: arigolsurplus (726|96.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: San Dimas, California USA
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
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    Under 1000hrs

Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2668 Used Lamp Hours

Ende: 09.10. 2023 15:06:07 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 5.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 145343422453
  • Anzahl Gebote: 3
  • Verkäufer: global-technologies (13342|99.8%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 25,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
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    Epson PowerLite 520 LCD Projector 2700 Lumens HDMI with 2668 Used Lamp HoursGood cosmetic condition.Scuffs and scratches from normal use. Large dark spot in the middle of projected screen, due to scuff mark on lens. (SEE PICTURES)Tested and functional.Has 2668 used lamp hours. Ready for reuse!Buttons are in good working condition. Will come with power cord and VGA. SN : VFVF690026L SEE PICTURES FOR COSMETIC CONDITION. MM Receive only the items that are listed/pictured. No other items are included with this purchase. Please see photos above. IMPORTANT If you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. We strive for customer satisfaction and if given the opportunity we will make things right. HANDLING TIMES & SHIPPING Items over one pound will be shipped with our IPS SmartShot Foam Machine. (Pictured Below). Instant foam fills the surrounding spaces, creating a tight-fitting cushion that molds itself around the item, therefore providing a custom heavy-duty cushioning. This shipping technique is most effective in preventing damage caused in transit. *FRAGILE ITEMS UNDER ONE POUND WILL BE SHIPPED WITH FOAM* Same business day handling. (Cut Off Time- 10:00AM Central). *AFTER CUT OFF TIME, WE TRY OUR BEST TO GET PACKAGES OUT SAME DAY, BUT SAME DAY IS NOT GUARANTEED. * SHIPPING COURIERS UPS and USPS are our preferred couriers. Shipping courier is chosen at our discretion. FREIGHT We compare freight shipping costs from multiple couriers in order to find you the best rates.

Epson Powerlite X27 lcd hdmi projector 2700 lumens 733 lamp hours used

Ende: 08.10. 2023 22:09:19 am Sonntag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 22.77 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 374956942970
  • Anzahl Gebote: 1
  • Verkäufer: actstl (64|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Saint Louis, Missouri USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
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    Epson Powerlite X27 lcd hdmi projector 2700 lumens 733 lamp hours used Description: Item tested and working as it should. Missing remote, cosmetic damage, item has scratches and scuffs on all sides, shows wear and tear. Power cord included.R2 category: Functional Grade: A (used excellent). Cosmetic Grade: A (used excellent). Non-Data Device.Return Policy We have a 30-Day return policy any returns must be completed within that time frame. All returns must have prior approval before shipping back to us. All Items must be returned in same condition they were received. We may ask for pictures or other proof of the non-functioning item. If any item was damaged in shipment, we will open a case with the shipping carrier. Buyer must message us regarding the damage otherwise your refund for the return may be denied. The buyer must send pictures of the outside of the box, the shipping label, and multiple pictures of the equipment showing the damage. A refund will not be issued until the case has been closed by the shipping carrier. Contact The best way to contact us is through the Ebay Messages. Any questions or messages will be answered same day unless it is outside of our business hours or a holiday. Our business hours are 9am-4pm Monday - Friday. We understand that the success of our business is built on reputation, and we go to the necessary lengths to make sure our customers are taken care of. If you have any questions, please ask before purchasing. Feedback If you feel there is any reason to leave anything but positive 5-star feedback, please contact us so we can make it right. Sending your feedback directly to us helps us become a better store for our customers. Our feedback score is a direct testament to that. The satisfaction of our customers is our number one priority, and we will follow through on that promise. Our jobs depend on it. Electronics Reuse & Recycling All items for sale on our store are being sold for the purposes of use, reuse, refurbishment, or parts for refurbishment. Any unused portions of the material purchased must be taken to an R2/e-Stewards recycler. We thank you for your cooperation and agreement to help us continue making our world a greener place through the proper reuse and handling of all items for sale on our store. Attention Since we only ship/sell domestically, If you purchase items with the intention to drop ship or use freight forwarding service, you will forfeit your right for returns/refunds. We currently ship items on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays via UPS, Thanks.

Epson Powerlite 97H lcd hdmi projector 2700 lumens 1216 lamp hours used

Ende: 08.10. 2023 21:56:58 am Sonntag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 32.8 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 374956930499
  • Anzahl Gebote: 6
  • Verkäufer: actstl (64|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Saint Louis, Missouri USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
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    Epson Powerlite 97H lcd hdmi projector 2700 lumens 1216 lamp hours used Description: Item tested and working as it should. Missing remote, mounting bracket point damaged, cosmetic damage, item has scratches and scuffs on all sides, shows wear and tear. Power cord included.R2 category: Functional Grade: A (used excellent). Cosmetic Grade: B+ (used very good). Non-Data Device.Return Policy We have a 30-Day return policy any returns must be completed within that time frame. All returns must have prior approval before shipping back to us. All Items must be returned in same condition they were received. We may ask for pictures or other proof of the non-functioning item. If any item was damaged in shipment, we will open a case with the shipping carrier. Buyer must message us regarding the damage otherwise your refund for the return may be denied. The buyer must send pictures of the outside of the box, the shipping label, and multiple pictures of the equipment showing the damage. A refund will not be issued until the case has been closed by the shipping carrier. Contact The best way to contact us is through the Ebay Messages. Any questions or messages will be answered same day unless it is outside of our business hours or a holiday. Our business hours are 9am-4pm Monday - Friday. We understand that the success of our business is built on reputation, and we go to the necessary lengths to make sure our customers are taken care of. If you have any questions, please ask before purchasing. Feedback If you feel there is any reason to leave anything but positive 5-star feedback, please contact us so we can make it right. Sending your feedback directly to us helps us become a better store for our customers. Our feedback score is a direct testament to that. The satisfaction of our customers is our number one priority, and we will follow through on that promise. Our jobs depend on it. Electronics Reuse & Recycling All items for sale on our store are being sold for the purposes of use, reuse, refurbishment, or parts for refurbishment. Any unused portions of the material purchased must be taken to an R2/e-Stewards recycler. We thank you for your cooperation and agreement to help us continue making our world a greener place through the proper reuse and handling of all items for sale on our store. Attention Since we only ship/sell domestically, If you purchase items with the intention to drop ship or use freight forwarding service, you will forfeit your right for returns/refunds. We currently ship items on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays via UPS, Thanks. https://www.archcitytech.com

Epson PowerLite S27 3LCD Projector 2700 Lumens 335 hours w/ VGA & Power Cables

Ende: 08.10. 2023 03:39:38 am Sonntag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 59.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 235242548034
  • Verkäufer: intechar (9686|99.5%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Sarasota, Florida USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 9,95 EUR
  • bei ebay
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    This listing is for one: Epson PowerLite S27 3LCD Projector 2700 Lumens 335 hours w/ VGA & Power Cables Tested in great working condition. Lamp hours: 335 hours. Sale includes VGA & Power cables. Shipping is FREE via FedEx.

Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 1002 Lamp Hours

Ende: 07.10. 2023 23:45:18 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 54.65 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225801232383
  • Verkäufer: skyvineitad (2144|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Arlington, Texas USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 20,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
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    SKYVINE ITAD was established to offer consumers the opportunity to benefit from incredible deals on: new, over-stocked, open-box, and refurbished products from all major retailers and manufacturers. Every single item we sell goes through thorough inspection processes to make certain it works perfectly. SKYVINE ITAD’s team ensure they are functional, according to the original manufactures specifications. Each item comes exactly as pictured unless there are more than one quantity. Then you will receive an item of similar condition. If any item is not shown in the picture, it will not be included unless stated in the description. For any inquiry or issue, PLEASE contact us before leaving feedback or opening a case. We will try our best to resolve any issue. We at SKYVINE ITAD stride to satisfy our customers’ needs. Most importantly, we value your business and ensure you received the best experience. Thank You!Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 1002 Lamp HoursABOUT THIS ITEMKEY FUNCTION WORKINGUI: TE2FD69D4D**USED VERY GOOD MINOR SCUFFS**INCLUDES: Power Cord FEATURED DESCRIPTION:The PowerLite 97H projector is a popular choice for virtually any classroom. Offering 3x Brighter Colors, Epson 3LCD projectors ensure vivid lessons. Reliable and user-friendly, the 97H features XGA resolution and 2700 lumens of color brightness and 2700 lumens of white brightness. Its low-cost, long-lasting lamp - up to 10,000 hours in ECO Mode - provides a low total cost of ownership.Brightness2,700 lumenColorWhiteConnectivityComponent, HDMI, RCA, S-Video, USB, VGA, Wireless, iPhoneDisplay TypeLCDNative Resolution1024 x 768GeneralDevice Type3LCD projector Enclosure ColorWhiteProjectorBrightness (White)2700 lumensBrightness (Color)2700 lumensContrast Ratio10000:1 (dynamic)Image Size29.9 in - 300 inProjection Distance3 ft - 30 ftThrow Ratio1.48 - 1.77:1ResolutionXGA - XGA (1024 x 768) (native) / 1600 x 1200 (resized)Native Aspect Ratio4:3Display Format786,432 pixels (1,024 x 768) x 3Color Support1 billion colorsLamp TypeUHE 200 WattLamp Life CycleUp to 5000 hour(s) - normal mode Up to 10000 hour(s) - economic modeControls & AdjustmentsVolume, brightness, contrast, H/V position, sharpness, saturation, input select, color temperatureFeaturesAuto Vertical Keystone, EPSON 3LCD technology, 3x Brighter ColorsLensFocus TypeManualLens ApertureF/1.58-1.72Zoom Factor1.2xKeystone Correction DirectionHorizontal, verticalVertical Keystone Correction-30 / +30Horizontal Keystone Correction-30 / +30Video InputTV SystemNTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-N, PAL-M, NTSC 4.43, PAL 60Analog Video SignalRGB, S-Video, composite videoVideo InterfacesVGA, HDMI, composite video, S-Video, MHLSpeakersTypeIntegratedSound Output ModeMonoOutput Power / Channel16 WattSpeakers1 x mixed channelExpansion / ConnectivityInterfaces2 x component video / RGB input - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x S-video input - 4 pin mini-DIN 1 x composite video input - RCA 1 x audio line-in - RCA x 2 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type B 1 x serial RS-232C - 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) (management) 1 x microphone - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x network - RJ-45 2 x audio line-in - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x audio line-out - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x VGA output - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type A 1 x HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type A 1 x Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) / HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type AMiscellaneous Security FeaturesSecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately), security anchorCompliant StandardsRoHSPricing TypeEpson Brighter Futures Education ProgramPowerVoltage RequiredAC 120/230 V (50/60 Hz)Power Consumption Operational299 WattPower Consumption Stand by2.3 WattDimensions & WeightWidth11.6 inDepth9.7 inHeight3.5 inWeight5.95 lbs Environmental ParametersMin Operating Temperature41 °FMax Operating Temperature95 °FSound Emission37 dBASound Emission (Economic Mode)28 dBA Delivery Details:WE DO NOT SHIP INTERNATIONALLY! UNITED STATES SHIPMENT ONLY. We try our best to ship order after payment is received. Order placed on weekends or holiday will be shipped on Monday or next business day. We will ONLY ship the item to your eBay Confirmed Address, so please confirm that your delivery address is correct before you place an order. Address cannot be changed after an order has been sent. For all LOCAL PICKUP, guest must schedule an appointment prior to pickup. Order value of $300.00 or more will require a signature to receive package to prevent lost of package. Please arrange someone to be available.

Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 890 Lamp Hours

Ende: 07.10. 2023 23:45:16 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 59.21 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225802513783
  • Verkäufer: skyvineitad (2144|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Arlington, Texas USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 20,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    SKYVINE ITAD was established to offer consumers the opportunity to benefit from incredible deals on: new, over-stocked, open-box, and refurbished products from all major retailers and manufacturers. Every single item we sell goes through thorough inspection processes to make certain it works perfectly. SKYVINE ITAD’s team ensure they are functional, according to the original manufactures specifications. Each item comes exactly as pictured unless there are more than one quantity. Then you will receive an item of similar condition. If any item is not shown in the picture, it will not be included unless stated in the description. For any inquiry or issue, PLEASE contact us before leaving feedback or opening a case. We will try our best to resolve any issue. We at SKYVINE ITAD stride to satisfy our customers’ needs. Most importantly, we value your business and ensure you received the best experience. Thank You!Epson Powerlite 97H 2700 Lumens HDMI Projector 890 Lamp HoursABOUT THIS ITEMKEY FUNCTION WORKINGUI: TE7F745826**USED GOOD SCRATCHES AND SCUFFS**INCLUDES: Power Cord FEATURED DESCRIPTION:The PowerLite 97H projector is a popular choice for virtually any classroom. Offering 3x Brighter Colors, Epson 3LCD projectors ensure vivid lessons. Reliable and user-friendly, the 97H features XGA resolution and 2700 lumens of color brightness and 2700 lumens of white brightness. Its low-cost, long-lasting lamp - up to 10,000 hours in ECO Mode - provides a low total cost of ownership.Brightness2,700 lumenColorWhiteConnectivityComponent, HDMI, RCA, S-Video, USB, VGA, Wireless, iPhoneDisplay TypeLCDNative Resolution1024 x 768GeneralDevice Type3LCD projector Enclosure ColorWhiteProjectorBrightness (White)2700 lumensBrightness (Color)2700 lumensContrast Ratio10000:1 (dynamic)Image Size29.9 in - 300 inProjection Distance3 ft - 30 ftThrow Ratio1.48 - 1.77:1ResolutionXGA - XGA (1024 x 768) (native) / 1600 x 1200 (resized)Native Aspect Ratio4:3Display Format786,432 pixels (1,024 x 768) x 3Color Support1 billion colorsLamp TypeUHE 200 WattLamp Life CycleUp to 5000 hour(s) - normal mode Up to 10000 hour(s) - economic modeControls & AdjustmentsVolume, brightness, contrast, H/V position, sharpness, saturation, input select, color temperatureFeaturesAuto Vertical Keystone, EPSON 3LCD technology, 3x Brighter ColorsLensFocus TypeManualLens ApertureF/1.58-1.72Zoom Factor1.2xKeystone Correction DirectionHorizontal, verticalVertical Keystone Correction-30 / +30Horizontal Keystone Correction-30 / +30Video InputTV SystemNTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-N, PAL-M, NTSC 4.43, PAL 60Analog Video SignalRGB, S-Video, composite videoVideo InterfacesVGA, HDMI, composite video, S-Video, MHLSpeakersTypeIntegratedSound Output ModeMonoOutput Power / Channel16 WattSpeakers1 x mixed channelExpansion / ConnectivityInterfaces2 x component video / RGB input - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x S-video input - 4 pin mini-DIN 1 x composite video input - RCA 1 x audio line-in - RCA x 2 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type B 1 x serial RS-232C - 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) (management) 1 x microphone - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x network - RJ-45 2 x audio line-in - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x audio line-out - mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm 1 x VGA output - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) 1 x USB - 4 pin USB Type A 1 x HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type A 1 x Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) / HDMI - 19 pin HDMI Type AMiscellaneous Security FeaturesSecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately), security anchorCompliant StandardsRoHSPricing TypeEpson Brighter Futures Education ProgramPowerVoltage RequiredAC 120/230 V (50/60 Hz)Power Consumption Operational299 WattPower Consumption Stand by2.3 WattDimensions & WeightWidth11.6 inDepth9.7 inHeight3.5 inWeight5.95 lbs Environmental ParametersMin Operating Temperature41 °FMax Operating Temperature95 °FSound Emission37 dBASound Emission (Economic Mode)28 dBA Delivery Details:WE DO NOT SHIP INTERNATIONALLY! UNITED STATES SHIPMENT ONLY. We try our best to ship order after payment is received. Order placed on weekends or holiday will be shipped on Monday or next business day. We will ONLY ship the item to your eBay Confirmed Address, so please confirm that your delivery address is correct before you place an order. Address cannot be changed after an order has been sent. For all LOCAL PICKUP, guest must schedule an appointment prior to pickup. Order value of $300.00 or more will require a signature to receive package to prevent lost of package. Please arrange someone to be available.