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Onkyo TX-NR525 AV Receiver 5.1 Amplifier Home Cinema - Free Delivery

Ende: 31.07. 2023 16:23:16 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 93.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 325673871519
  • Verkäufer: krzywozn (421|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Coatbridge Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo TX-NR525 AV Receiver 5.1 Amplifier Home Cinema - Free Delivery. Ive used it for my home cinema, dont need it anymore as I bought new home cinema. Works good no problems with it.

Onkyo RC-865M Originale Ricevitore Telecomando Per TX-NR525

Ende: 31.07. 2023 15:03:01 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 35.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 204362213676
  • Verkäufer: trreusegroup (72781|99.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich
  • Ort: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 16,96 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Quando si ordina dagli Stati Uniti, i pacchi possono essere soggetti a tasse di importazione e dazi doganali, che lacqirente è tenuto a pagare.Onkyo RC-865M Originale Ricevitore Telecomando Per TX-NR525Questo foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci. non verrà fornito con le batterie. Larticolo potrebbe mostrare graffi e/o imperfezioni a causa della normale usura, larticolo è stato testato per laccensione e anche ispezionato visivamente per eventuali difetti. Si prega di vedere le immagini dellelenco. Se una parte non è raffigurata, non è inclusa nella vendita. Nessun cavo è incluso a meno che non sia mostrato nelle foto. Onkyo RC-865M Telecomando ricevitore originale per TX-NR525 non verrà fornito con le batterie. Buone condizioni. Testato per verificare la funzionalità e per garantire la qualità, anche ispezionato visivamente per i difetti. Si prega di controllare attentamente lelenco per capire cosa è incluso in questa vendita. È responsabilità dellacquirente verificare la compatibilità di eventuali elementi periferici prima dellacquisto. non verrà fornito con le batterie. Larticolo potrebbe mostrare graffi e/o imperfezioni a causa della normale usura, larticolo è stato testato per laccensione e anche ispezionato visivamente per eventuali difetti. Si prega di vedere le immagini dellelenco. Se una parte non è raffigurata, non è inclusa nella vendita. Nessun cavo è incluso a meno che non sia mostrato nelle foto. Lacquirente è responsabile del pagamento di eventuali dazi, tariffe o tasse dovute al ricevimento di questo articolo a livello internazionale. Solo ciò che è nella foto è incluso nella vendita. Se una parte non è mostrata nelle foto, non è inclusa nella vendita di questo articolo. Brand Onkyo MPN RC-865M Numero di prodotto del venditore 98OTHRC865M Procedura di provaTestato per le funzioni chiave, R2/Pronto per la rivenditaAVERE PROBLEMI? Si prega di notare che tutti gli articoli sono testati e funzionanti prima dellelenco. Assicurati che il tuo messaggio includa quante più informazioni dettagliate possibile per assistere il nostro team nellaffrontare le tue preoccupazioni. (ad es. descrizione dei codici di errore o dei segnali acustici, specifiche esatte della CPU, specifiche esatte della RAM, ecc.). Se possibile, includi foto o video per aiutare a comprendere il problema.COMPATIBILITÀ Non disponiamo di personale per ricercare/segnalare problemi di compatibilità. Si prega di comprendere che è responsabilità dellacquirente confermare la compatibilità prima dellordine. Questa compatibilità dovrebbe essere ottenuta confrontando il modello e il numero di parte dellarticolo dallelenco a quello che il cliente sta tentando di sostituire. Garantiamo la compatibilità solo se il numero di parte corrisponde esattamente a quello che viene sostituito.OFFERTA In genere non accettiamo offerte sui nostri articoli. Nel raro caso in cui riceviamo unofferta, la esamineremo e risponderemo solo alle offerte che saranno accettate. Se non ricevi risposta, la tua offerta non è accettabile. Si prega di non inviare unofferta o più offerte nella speranza che una possa essere accettata.ORDINI Il nostro sistema combinerà automaticamente gli ordini se rientrano in una serie di linee guida. USPS sarà il fornitore di servizi che effettuerà la consegna finale del tuo articolo. Generalmente si tratta di DHL eCommerce o UPS SurePost, ma potrebbe anche essere USPS o UPS. Gli ordini effettuati dopo le 8:00 ET (5:00 PT) di venerdì o il giorno prima di un giorno festivo verranno spediti il ??giorno lavorativo successivo. Se è disponibile una sostituzione, verrà offerta tramite il sistema di reso. Comprendi che larticolo deve essere restituito per ricevere un rimborso.ORDINI INTERNAZIONALI Eventuali tasse, tariffe o tasse di importazione sono a carico dellacquirente. Vi preghiamo di contattarci per prendere accordi se siete interessati a questo servizio. Paghiamo solo per la consegna dei pacchi. Tutti gli ordini che non possono essere consegnati per qualsiasi motivo, non ci verranno restituiti poiché non paghiamo il servizio di restituzione su nessuna spedizione. Quando il pacco arriva, assicurati di portare una copia della fattura al punto di ritiro per dimostrare il pagamento di eventuali tasse IVA. Puoi ottenere queste informazioni dalla cronologia degli acquisti su eBay. Potrebbero inoltre esserci costi doganali aggiuntivi non riscossi da eBay che potremmo richiedere di pagare dopo la consegna del pacco. Queste commissioni sono diverse dallIVA che eBay riscuote e non sono note fino a quando il pacco non viene consegnato al cliente. Possiamo fornire un link PayPal per riscuotere il pagamento di queste tasse doganali una volta che ci sono state fornite dal corriere. non verrà fornito con le batterie. Larticolo potrebbe mostrare graffi e/o imperfezioni a causa della normale usura, larticolo è stato testato per laccensione e anche ispezionato visivamente per eventuali difetti. Si prega di vedere le immagini dellelenco. Se una parte non è raffigurata, non è inclusa nella vendita. Nessun cavo è incluso a meno che non sia mostrato nelle foto. Product Condition Used Item Height 1 Item Width 2 MPN RC-865M Type Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525 Brand Onkyo Compatible Product Line For Compatible Brand Onkyo UPC Does not apply California Prop 65 Warning This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. Item Length 7.5 Model Not Available Product Type Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525 Unit Quantity 1

Onkyo RC-865M Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525

Ende: 31.07. 2023 15:03:01 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 37.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 364293698934
  • Verkäufer: trreusegroup (72781|99.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich
  • Ort: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    will not come with batteries. Item might show scratches and/or blemishes due to normal wear and tear, Item has been tested to power on and also visually inspected for defects. Please see the listing pictures. If a part is not pictured, then it is not included in the sale. No cables are included unless they are shown in the photos. Onkyo RC-865M Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525 will not come with batteries. Good Condition. Tested to verify functionality and to ensure quality, also visually inspected for defects. Please check the listing carefully to understand what is included in this sale. It is the buyers responsibility to verify compatibility of any peripheral items prior to purchase. will not come with batteries. Item might show scratches and/or blemishes due to normal wear and tear, Item has been tested to power on and also visually inspected for defects. Please see the listing pictures. If a part is not pictured, then it is not included in the sale. No cables are included unless they are shown in the photos. The buyer is responsible for payment of any duties, tariffs, or taxes due upon receipt of this item internationally. Only what is in the photo is included in the sale. If a part is not shown in the photos, then it is not included in the sale of this item. Brand Onkyo MPN RC-865M Seller Product Number 98OTHRC865M Testing ProcedureTested for key functions, R2/Ready for ResaleHAVING TROUBLE? Please note that all items are tested and working before listing. Please make sure that your message includes as much detailed information as possible to assist our team in addressing your concerns. (i.e. description of error codes or beeps, exact CPU specs, exact RAM specs, etc). If possible, include photos or video to assist in understanding the problem.COMPATIBILITY We are not staffed to research/report compatibility concerns. Please understand that it is the buyers responsibility to confirm compatibility prior ordering. This compatibility should be obtained by comparing the model and part number of the item from the listing to the one that the customer is attempting to replace. We only guarantee the compatibility if the part number is an exact match to the one that is being replaced.OFFER We do not typically take offers on our items. In the rare instance that we receive an offer, we will review it and will only respond to offers that will be accepted. If you dont hear back, your offer is not acceptable. Please do not submit an offer or multiple offers on the hope one may get accepted.ORDERS Our system will combine order automatically if they fall within a set of guidelines. USPS will be the service provider that makes the final delivery of your item. Generally this will be DHL eCommerce or UPS SurePost, but could also be USPS or UPS. Orders placed after 8am ET (5am PT) on Friday or the day before a holiday will be shipped the next business day. If a replacement is available, it will be offered through the return system. Understand that the item must be return in order to receive a refund.INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Any taxes, tariffs, or import fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Please contact us to make arrangements if you are interested in this service. We only pay for delivery of packages. Any orders that cannot be delivered for any reason, will not be returned to us as we do not pay for return service on any shipments. When your package arrives you should make sure to take a copy of your invoice to the pickup location to prove payment of any VAT fees. You can get this information from your purchase history in eBay. There may also be additional customs fees that are not collected by eBay that we may request to be paid after the delivery of the package. These fees are different from the VAT that eBay collects and are not known until the package is deliver to the customer. We can provide a PayPal link to collect payment of these customs fees once they are provided to us by the carrier. will not come with batteries. Item might show scratches and/or blemishes due to normal wear and tear, Item has been tested to power on and also visually inspected for defects. Please see the listing pictures. If a part is not pictured, then it is not included in the sale. No cables are included unless they are shown in the photos.

Onkyo RC-865M Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525

Ende: 31.07. 2023 14:55:50 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 15.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 385668821001
  • Verkäufer: trreusegroup (72781|99.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    will not come with batteries. Item might show scratches and/or blemishes due to normal wear and tear, Item has been tested to power on and also visually inspected for defects. Please see the listing pictures. If a part is not pictured, then it is not included in the sale. No cables are included unless they are shown in the photos. Onkyo RC-865M Genuine Receiver Remote Control For TX-NR525 will not come with batteries. Good Condition. Tested to verify functionality and to ensure quality, also visually inspected for defects. Please check the listing carefully to understand what is included in this sale. It is the buyers responsibility to verify compatibility of any peripheral items prior to purchase. will not come with batteries. Item might show scratches and/or blemishes due to normal wear and tear, Item has been tested to power on and also visually inspected for defects. Please see the listing pictures. If a part is not pictured, then it is not included in the sale. No cables are included unless they are shown in the photos. The buyer is responsible for payment of any duties, tariffs, or taxes due upon receipt of this item internationally. Only what is in the photo is included in the sale. If a part is not shown in the photos, then it is not included in the sale of this item. Brand Onkyo MPN RC-865M Seller Product Number 98OTHRC865M Testing Procedure Tested for key functions, R2/Ready for Resale HAVING TROUBLE? Please note that all items are tested and working before listing. Please make sure that your message includes as much detailed information as possible to assist our team in addressing your concerns. (i.e. description of error codes or beeps, exact CPU specs, exact RAM specs, etc). If possible, include photos or video to assist in understanding the problem. COMPATIBILITY We are not staffed to research/report compatibility concerns. Please understand that it is the buyers responsibility to confirm compatibility prior ordering. This compatibility should be obtained by comparing the model and part number of the item from the listing to the one that the customer is attempting to replace. We only guarantee the compatibility if the part number is an exact match to the one that is being replaced. OFFER We do not typically take offers on our items. In the rare instance that we receive an offer, we will review it and will only respond to offers that will be accepted. If you dont hear back, your offer is not acceptable. Please do not submit an offer or multiple offers on the hope one may get accepted. ORDERS Our system will combine order automatically if they fall within a set of guidelines. If you place multiple order in a short time period (roughly two hour window) and they are going to identical shipping addresses and are purchased from the same user ID, you order will be combined together for shipping purposes. SHIPPING CARRIERS While the listing states use of USPS Parcel Select for the free shipping option, we actually will be shipping your order using DHL eCommerce, UPS SurePost or a similar product to send the order. USPS will be the service provider that makes the final delivery of your item. You have the option to select other carriers at an additional cost. SHIPPING We reserve the right to use the shipping carrier of our choice when free shipping is chosen by the buyer. Generally this will be DHL eCommerce or UPS SurePost, but could also be USPS or UPS. If the buyer chooses a shipping option that is a paid option, we will use a carrier that meets the transit time and cost constraints that meet or exceed the option selected. SHIPPING TIME We ship all items the first business day after payment is received. Orders placed after 8am ET (5am PT) on Friday or the day before a holiday will be shipped the next business day. No orders will be shipped on weekends. SHIPPING ADDRESS It is eBays policy that sellers ship to the address on the order. RETURNS If we are unable to resolve an issue you are having, please open a return request using eBays return request system. If a replacement is available, it will be offered through the return system. Understand that the item must be return in order to receive a refund. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Any taxes, tariffs, or import fees are the responsibility of the buyer. We offer DHL Express shipping for our international orders upon request for an additional charge. Please contact us to make arrangements if you are interested in this service. We only pay for delivery of packages. Any orders that cannot be delivered for any reason, will not be returned to us as we do not pay for return service on any shipments. When your package arrives you should make sure to take a copy of your invoice to the pickup location to prove payment of any VAT fees. You can get this information from your purchase history in eBay. There may also be additional customs fees that are not collected by eBay that we may request to be paid after the delivery of the package. These fees are different from the VAT that eBay collects and are not known until the package is deliver to the customer. We can provide a PayPal link to collect payment of these customs fees once they are provided to us by the carrier.

Onkyo D-525 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers Black Gloss 4Ohms 70 W

Ende: 31.07. 2023 09:30:52 am Montag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 57.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 155613887849
  • Verkäufer: bilwar_0 (1308|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Epsom Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 0,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo D-525 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers Black Gloss 4Ohms 70 W. Some light surface scratches but no chips or dents. In overall excellent condition and in perfect working order. Includes user instructions. Each speaker measures 275mm high x 160mm wide x 272mm deep and weighs 3.9kg. Free courier delivery included.

Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassetta Piastra

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:38:47 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 717.17 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849823043
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassetta PiastraQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci.PagamentoSiate certi che il nostro negozio offre una varietà di metodi di pagamento.Si prega di pagare entro 5 giorni dal termine dellasta.Chi siamoCi troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. È nostro piacere renderti felice proponendoti il ??nostro articolo consigliato.Se hai domande o richieste sugli articoli, non esitare a chiederci.Acquirenti internazionali - Nota:-I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente.-Si prega di verificare con lufficio doganale del proprio paese per determinare quali saranno questi costi aggiuntivi prima dellofferta/acquisto.-Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive.-Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportamento.]]>Ci troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. -I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente. -Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive. -Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportam Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand No Brand UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo Integra K-525 Kassette Deck

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:38:46 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 712.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849823915
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 Kassette DeckDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand No Brand UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassette Pont

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:38:46 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 717.17 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849822661
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassette PontCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.PaiementSoyez assuré que notre magasin offre une variété de méthodes de paiement.Veuillez payer dans les 5 jours suivant la fin de lenchère.À proposNous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. Cest avec plaisir que nous vous ferons plaisir en vous proposant notre article recommandé.Si vous avez des questions ou des demandes concernant des articles, nhésitez pas à nous les demander.Acheteurs internationaux - Veuillez noter :-Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur.-Veuillez vérifier auprès du bureau de douane de votre pays pour déterminer quels seront ces coûts supplémentaires avant denchérir/acheter.-Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires.-Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouvernementales américaines et internationales interdisent un tel comportement.]]>Nous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. -Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur. -Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires. -Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouv Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand No Brand UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo Integra K-525 Piastra a Cassette

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:37:47 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 563.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849895531
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 Piastra a CassetteQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci.PagamentoSiate certi che il nostro negozio offre una varietà di metodi di pagamento.Si prega di pagare entro 5 giorni dal termine dellasta.Chi siamoCi troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. È nostro piacere renderti felice proponendoti il ??nostro articolo consigliato.Se hai domande o richieste sugli articoli, non esitare a chiederci.Acquirenti internazionali - Nota:-I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente.-Si prega di verificare con lufficio doganale del proprio paese per determinare quali saranno questi costi aggiuntivi prima dellofferta/acquisto.-Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive.-Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportamento.]]>Ci troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. -I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente. -Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive. -Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportam Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Onkyo UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassette Plateau

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:37:44 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 563.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849893605
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassette PlateauCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.PaiementSoyez assuré que notre magasin offre une variété de méthodes de paiement.Veuillez payer dans les 5 jours suivant la fin de lenchère.À proposNous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. Cest avec plaisir que nous vous ferons plaisir en vous proposant notre article recommandé.Si vous avez des questions ou des demandes concernant des articles, nhésitez pas à nous les demander.Acheteurs internationaux - Veuillez noter :-Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur.-Veuillez vérifier auprès du bureau de douane de votre pays pour déterminer quels seront ces coûts supplémentaires avant denchérir/acheter.-Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires.-Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouvernementales américaines et internationales interdisent un tel comportement.]]>Nous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. -Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur. -Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires. -Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouv Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Onkyo UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo Integra K-525 Kassettenrekorder

Ende: 27.07. 2023 05:37:43 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 563.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 115849895299
  • Verkäufer: dr_nine (1212|98.3%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: Worldwide
  • Versandkosten: 73,62 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo Integra K-525 KassettenrekorderDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Onkyo UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Onkyo CR-525UKD All in One Stereo Amplifier CD/USB/AUX/DAB/AM/FM Hi-Fi Component

Ende: 18.07. 2023 12:19:02 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 62.08 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 285383004704
  • Verkäufer: mad6673 (1563|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Ashton-under-Lyne Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo CR-525UKD All in One Stereo Amplifier CD/USB/AUX/DAB/AM/FM Hi-Fi Component. In very good pre loved condition. One slight mark on the top of the front panel, which is hardly noticeable- please see pictures for detailed condition Buy now with best offer and low UK courier tracked postage

ONKYO Audio Video Stereo Receiver Control Tuner Amplifier TX-SV525 Remote Bundle

Ende: 18.07. 2023 04:56:26 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 118.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 185977821171
  • Verkäufer: reliable4of14 (425|96.6%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Lexington, South Carolina USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 85,87 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Any questions please ask FREE SHIPPING!! Check out my other items! Be sure to add me to your favorites list! Sign up for my email newsletters by adding my eBay Store to your Favorites

ONKYO AV Receiver Model TX-NR525

Ende: 16.07. 2023 21:43:12 am Sonntag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 81.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 225589926709
  • Verkäufer: hustlebyireoni (92|98.9%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Hoffman Estates, Illinois USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    ONKYO AV Receiver Model TX-NR525. Good as new

Onkyo CR-525 DAB Hifi System CD Amp DAB Tuner + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers2

Ende: 14.07. 2023 08:02:51 am Freitag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 180.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 166204409991
  • Verkäufer: retro-junkie-uk (2858|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: GREENHITHE, Kent Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 56,59 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo CR-525DAB Hifi System + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers given free Nice Condition Front USB High quality Hifi made with high quality internal components with a gorgeous brushed Aluminum fascia Produces a warm rich and powerful sound, has a dedicated Dock connection and Sub Woofer Pre-Out It has been fully tested and put through its paces by our Audio Expert for your peace of mind, its in excellent working order, display slightly dim but still readable Open up your music choices, you Can connect to your TV and make a great alternative to a Sound bar , add a google home or Amazon Alexa and you can stream your music direct to the Onkyo with voice guidance. Stream from Apps like Spotify , Amazon Music , Apple and Tidal all via your chosen device , also 1000s of Digital Internet Radio Stations . We can add an Amazon Echo Flex to your purchase in Ebay for £25 which enables streaming and voice control User manual link copy into a browser https://www.manualslib.com/products/Onkyo-Cr-525ukd-2961120.html I prefer collection but will post, if we to post we will very carefully bubble wrap the units and lay it on a bed of bubble wrap in a very strong box that we will purchase specially for the posting. We use Aircap branded extra large bubble wrap and where we can recycled packing, we pride ourselves on our packing so that you receive your item in one piece. Please appreciate the time and extra expense involved and please mention our packing in your feed back. Thank you for viewing. International buyers and UK Channel Islands please contact me first. Library shot of rear to show connections, items given free do not form part of the sale. Item only supplied with whats pictured We sell Vintage pre owned HiFi that we fully test for functionality and if not working we will clearly state, you should also expect the items to be in good condition reflect their age by having some scratches or blemishes that is par for the course. We do not sell new HiFI but we sell great used and Vintage HiFI personally selected by us for you to enjoy. I also embrace the concept of great customer service and have great customers that have been overwhelmed by our products and service, thank you Retro-Junkie

Onkyo TX-NR525 AV Receiver Part PCB Brown Circuit Board Transistors BCCLA-1318

Ende: 11.07. 2023 02:33:25 am Dienstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 24.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 304971042360
  • Verkäufer: devioneupshr (226|99.1%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Riverview, Florida USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 28,13 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    This is an original OEM LFa PCB Circuit Board that was removed from a functional Onkyo TX-NR525 AV Receiver that Im parting out. This board is in good shape and has a variety of resistors, capacitors, transistors! All is as pictured and the item pictured is exactly the same item youll receive; anything not pictured is not included.Onkyo Part/Board #: BCCLA-1318 / QPWBCCLA1318A / 25141318A [1]. Check out my eBay store for other original Onkyo TX-NR525 AV Receiver parts and much more! No stock photos here! We never use stock photos so that you know exactly what youre buying every time you shop with us! 350+ items to choose from and counting on my eBay store Vintage & Vinyl!! New listings daily! Click Save This Seller under Seller Information to be the first to see them! Shipping & Returns Item will be shipped safely within 1 Business Day and all items ship from the USA! We offer four domestic (U.S.) shipping options: USPS First Class Mail (2-5 Business Days) - FREE, FedEx Ground/FedEx Home Delivery (1-5 Business Days), UPS Ground (1-5 Business Days), and USPS Priority Mail (1-4 Business Days) for your convenience to meet your needs on pricing and delivery time! We also offer eBay International Standard Delivery! Returns: Free Domestic Returns for 30 days. International Returns are accepted for 30 days (buyer is responsible for return shipping). If you happen to experience any issues within the first 30 days after your purchase please send us a message first for the quickest response and resolution. We are trusted, with 100% feedback, and well always make sure youre satisfied!

Onkyo Integra K-525 Cassette Deck

Ende: 09.07. 2023 11:34:41 am Sonntag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 455.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 404329759395
  • Verkäufer: jcoolmart (286|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Japan Japan
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 54,05 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Item TitleOnkyo Integra K-525 Cassette DeckDescriptionIt has been maintained at the store in July 2022. It can be used with peace of mind. Three-head stereo cassette deck with emphasis on basic performance and functions. There is a small scratch. Payment Supports managed payments Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About Us We are located in Japan. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item. If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note: -Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. -Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. -These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. -We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you for your understanding.

Onkyo RC-287S Remote Control For A-SV620 TX-SV525 TX-SV525R TX-SV535

Ende: 08.07. 2023 18:12:22 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 24.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 204356854957
  • Verkäufer: nmresales (238|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: 20,0 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Remote is in good, pre-owned, condition. Untested. Shows light wear from prior usage. Please check the pictures provided. Thanks for looking.

Onkyo D-525 Speakers Black Gloss 4 Ohms, 70 W

Ende: 01.07. 2023 09:56:29 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 34.75 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 404337528134
  • Verkäufer: crocus48 (729|99.4%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Thatcham Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 10,99 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo D-525 Speakers Black Gloss 4 Ohms 70 W. Working. LOTS of surface scratches on the fascia. Heavily scratched but It is very difficult to show in the photos .There is a crack mark on the bottom of one of the sides. Pictured. On one grill one of the pegs is broken. Actual speaker cones themselves are in good condition. Wood case with plastic coating I believe Includes speaker wire as shown. Dispatched Evri tracked in a box. If you live in a remote area may post Royal Mail. Items are heavy hence postage.

Onkyo CR-525 DAB Hifi System CD Amp DAB Tuner + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers

Ende: 01.07. 2023 07:36:43 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 180.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 166181078416
  • Verkäufer: retro-junkie-uk (2854|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: GREENHITHE, Kent Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 56,94 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo CR-525DAB Hifi System + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers given free Nice Condition Front USB High quality Hifi made with high quality internal components with a gorgeous brushed Aluminum fascia Produces a warm rich and powerful sound, has a dedicated Dock connection and Sub Woofer Pre-Out It has been fully tested and put through its paces by our Audio Expert for your peace of mind, its in excellent working order, display slightly dim but still readable Open up your music choices, you Can connect to your TV and make a great alternative to a Sound bar , add a google home or Amazon Alexa and you can stream your music direct to the Onkyo with voice guidance. Stream from Apps like Spotify , Amazon Music , Apple and Tidal all via your chosen device , also 1000s of Digital Internet Radio Stations . We can add an Amazon Echo Flex to your purchase in Ebay for £25 which enables streaming and voice control User manual link copy into a browser https://www.manualslib.com/products/Onkyo-Cr-525ukd-2961120.html I prefer collection but will post, if we to post we will very carefully bubble wrap the units and lay it on a bed of bubble wrap in a very strong box that we will purchase specially for the posting. We use Aircap branded extra large bubble wrap and where we can recycled packing, we pride ourselves on our packing so that you receive your item in one piece. Please appreciate the time and extra expense involved and please mention our packing in your feed back. Thank you for viewing. International buyers and UK Channel Islands please contact me first. Library shot of rear to show connections, items given free do not form part of the sale. Item only supplied with whats pictured We sell Vintage pre owned HiFi that we fully test for functionality and if not working we will clearly state, you should also expect the items to be in good condition reflect their age by having some scratches or blemishes that is par for the course. We do not sell new HiFI but we sell great used and Vintage HiFI personally selected by us for you to enjoy. I also embrace the concept of great customer service and have great customers that have been overwhelmed by our products and service, thank you Retro-Junkie

Onkyo CR-525 DAB Hifi System CD Amp DAB Tuner + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers

Ende: 01.07. 2023 07:36:43 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 180.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 166181078454
  • Verkäufer: retro-junkie-uk (2854|100.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: GREENHITHE, Kent Großbritannien
  • Versand nach: GB
  • Versandkosten: 56,94 EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo CR-525DAB Hifi System + JVC 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers given free Nice Condition Front USB High quality Hifi made with high quality internal components with a gorgeous brushed Aluminum fascia Produces a warm rich and powerful sound, has a dedicated Dock connection and Sub Woofer Pre-Out It has been fully tested and put through its paces by our Audio Expert for your peace of mind, its in excellent working order, display slightly dim but still readable Open up your music choices, you Can connect to your TV and make a great alternative to a Sound bar , add a google home or Amazon Alexa and you can stream your music direct to the Onkyo with voice guidance. Stream from Apps like Spotify , Amazon Music , Apple and Tidal all via your chosen device , also 1000s of Digital Internet Radio Stations . We can add an Amazon Echo Flex to your purchase in Ebay for £25 which enables streaming and voice control User manual link copy into a browser https://www.manualslib.com/products/Onkyo-Cr-525ukd-2961120.html I prefer collection but will post, if we to post we will very carefully bubble wrap the units and lay it on a bed of bubble wrap in a very strong box that we will purchase specially for the posting. We use Aircap branded extra large bubble wrap and where we can recycled packing, we pride ourselves on our packing so that you receive your item in one piece. Please appreciate the time and extra expense involved and please mention our packing in your feed back. Thank you for viewing. International buyers and UK Channel Islands please contact me first. Library shot of rear to show connections, items given free do not form part of the sale. Item only supplied with whats pictured We sell Vintage pre owned HiFi that we fully test for functionality and if not working we will clearly state, you should also expect the items to be in good condition reflect their age by having some scratches or blemishes that is par for the course. We do not sell new HiFI but we sell great used and Vintage HiFI personally selected by us for you to enjoy. I also embrace the concept of great customer service and have great customers that have been overwhelmed by our products and service, thank you Retro-Junkie

Onkyo TX-NR525 5.2ch AV receiver - Great Shape - HDMI - 4k - Internet Ready

Ende: 01.07. 2023 03:44:32 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 40.82 EUR Auktion
  • Status: verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 404355508051
  • Anzahl Gebote: 1
  • Verkäufer: luend_29 (0|0.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo TX-NR525 5.2ch AV receiver - Great Shape - HDMI - 4k - Internet Ready. Great shape and always very well taken care of. Includes original documentation, antenna, and remote.

OEM Genuine ONKYO Factory Remote Control for DVD Player Model DV-S525

Ende: 01.07. 2023 01:11:35 am Samstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 15.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 125957876574
  • Verkäufer: mr-remoto (6270|99.6%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Gewerblich (mit Basis Shop)
  • Ort: Osprey, Florida USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    *************************************************************************************************************** Remote Control ONLY Genuine Onkyo OEM factory unit For use with DVD Player model DV-S525 This is the original factory remote NOT a generic or third party unit Tested and fully functional Guaranteed against DOA as long as item is returned with SECURITY TAPE intact Used, in very good cosmetic condition *************************************************** RC-407DVbrujita *************************************************

Onkyo TX-NR525 5.2ch AV receiver - Great Shape - HDMI - 4k - Internet Ready

Ende: 29.06. 2023 02:17:49 am Donnerstag
  • Zustand: Gebraucht
  • Preis: 40.78 EUR Auktion
  • Status: nicht verkauft
  • Artikelnummer: 404345511233
  • Anzahl Gebote: 0
  • Verkäufer: luend_29 (0|0.0%)
  • Verkäufertyp: Privat
  • Ort: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Versand nach: US
  • Versandkosten: EUR
  • bei ebay
  • Beschreibung

    Onkyo TX-NR525 5.2ch AV receiver - Great Shape - HDMI - 4k - Internet Ready. Great shape and always very well taken care of. Includes original documentation, antenna, and remote.